Description: Sorts ten names and coressponding telephone numbers
using a database to add names to the list, in decending order.
ASCII File = amx.dat found on a:\\ drive
CPP File = a57q1.cpp
Date: 17/9/2001 (Final Revision) */
int size; // size of the list
class List_class // class named List_class
char name[30][10],phone[30][10]; //private data mebers for name and telephone numbers
List_class(); //methods
void to_screen(int &pinhead);
void insertion_sort(char newname[],char newnumber[]);
void main (void)
List_class name_list; // declaration of List_class object name_list
char newname[30],newnumber[10];
cout << "This is the list: \n"<
name_list.to_screen(size); // display to screen
cout << "Enter a new name to add to the list or -1 to exit:"; // prompt for new name
cin >> newname; // get the info
cout << "Enter a corresponding phonenumber to add to the list: "; //prompt for new telephone number
cin >> newnumber; //get the info
while(strcmp(newname,"-1")!=0) // while statement breaks on -1
name_list.insertion_sort(newname,newnumber) ; // insert new name correctly ordered
name_list.to_screen(size); // displays list to screen
cout << endl; // them's the breaks kid!
cout << "Enter a new name to add to the list or -1 to exit: ";
cin >> newname;
if (strcmp(newname,"-1")!=0)
cout << "Enter a coressponding phonenumber to add to the list: ";
cin >> newnumber;
} // end if
} // end while
}// end main
List_class::List_class() //reads the list in from a file
int a ; // tags the postition in the for loop
size = 0; //preliminary inialization
fstream infile ("a:/qu2/a57q2a.dat",ios::in); // call the data file named infile
for(a = 0;a < 10;a = a + 1) // for loop
infile >> name[a] >> phone[a]; // read the list
size++; //increment size
}// end for
infile.close(); // close the file
}// end constructor
void List_class::to_screen(int &pinhead) //displays the list to the screen
int a, array; // tag the elements
array = pinhead; // inialization of array to max
fstream outfile("a:/qu2/a57q2b.dat",ios::out); // record new values
for(a = 0; a < array; a = a + 1) // for loop
cout<< name[a] << " "<< phone[a] << endl; // display name and telephone number to screen
outfile << name[a] << " " << phone[a] << endl; //write to file new.dat
}// end for
outfile.close(); // close the file
}// end to_screen
void List_class::insertion_sort(char newname[],char newnumber[]) //sorts a new name into the sorted list
int old,spot = 0,spotfound = 0; // insertion sort mehtod variables
while (!spotfound && spot < size) // while loop while breaks if spot is not found and spot is less than size
if (strcmp(newname, name[spot])>0) // tests name position spot with newname
spotfound = 1; // true
spot = spot + 1; // move on
}// end if
}// end while
for (old = size; old > spot; old = old -1) //for loop
strcpy(name[old], name[old-1]); // copy name from old-1 into old variable
strcpy(phone[old], phone[old-1]); //coressponding telephone numbers
}// end for
size = size +1; //increment size
strcpy(name[spot], newname); // copies newname into name
strcpy(phone[spot], newnumber); //coressponding telephone numbers
}// end insertion_sort
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