Thursday, August 23, 2007

Selection Sort

/* Question 1 Selection Sort Algorithm

Subject: Algorithms and Data Structures - Sorting and searching

Description: Sorts ten names and coressponding telephone numbers


ASCII File = a57q1.dat found on a:\\ drive

CPP File = a57q1.cpp

Date: 17/9/2001 (Final Revision) */

#include // automacically includes

#include // for strcmp function

#define size 10 // defines the maximum amount of numbers possible

class List_class // class called List_class



long num[size]; // private data member for the telephone numbers

char words[size][30]; // private data member for the names


List_class(); // public code members

void to_screen(); // code member for displaying list to screen

void num_selection_sort(); // code member for the sorting of telephone numbers

void word_selection_sort(); // code member sorting the names with coressponding telephone numbers



void main(void) // main program builder


List_class words_list; // declaration of List_class object words_list

cout << "This is the list: " << endl << endl; // descriptive heading

words_list.to_screen(); //print the unsoted list to screen

cout << "\n\nThis is the sorted list: " << endl << endl; // descriptive heading

words_list.word_selection_sort(); // sort the list

words_list.to_screen(); // print the sorted list to screen

} // end main


List_class::List_class() //read the list in from a file


int a; // integer for for loop that tags the array locations

fstream infile("a:\\a57q1.dat",ios::in); // file to be used in A drive named infile for a57q1.dat


infile >> words[a] >> num[a]; // reads the list from a file words[position] number[position]

}// end for

infile.close(); //close the file

} //constructor


void List_class::to_screen() //displays the list to the screen


int a; // // integer for for loop that tags the array locations


cout << words[a] << " " << num[a] << " "; // display the words and numbers

}// end for

}// end to screen


void List_class::word_selection_sort() //sorts the array into increasing order


int i, j, loc_of_min; // three integers here track the word locations

long tphone, minp; // longs for coressponding telephone numbers

char min[30], temp[30],name[30]; // chars for name sorting


strcpy(min,words[i]); // copy min to words position i

minp = num[i]; // telphone numners minp is equal to num position i

loc_of_min = i; // the location of min equal i


if(strcmp(words[j],min)>0) // test words[j] with min to see if it is less than

{ // if true

strcpy(min,words[j]); //copy min value to words[j]

minp = num[j]; // coressponding telephone numnbers

loc_of_min=j; // location of min equals j

} // end if

}// end for

if(strcmp(min,words[i])>0) // if statement comparing min to see if it is less than words position i

{ // if true

strcpy(temp,words[i]); //copy temp to words position i

tphone = num[i]; // coressponding telephone numbers

strcpy(words[i],min); // copy words position i to min

num[i]= minp; // coressponding telephone numbers

strcpy(words[loc_of_min],temp); // copy words position location of min to temp

num[loc_of_min] = tphone; // coressponding telephone numbers

}// end if

}// end for

}// end selection sort

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